Howard Dean took to the Saturday talk circuit to accuse all people who are planning on voting for Republicans candidates in 2018 of supporting racism.
Appearing on MSNBC, Dean continued to push the Democrat narrative, enabled by the media, that Donald Trump is a racist, and by implication those who support him are as well. Why do you think they have never called out the violent assaults upon pro-Trump rallies by groups like ANTIFA?
The violence in Charlottesville gave them the cover they needed to lump all groups of Trump supporters under the banner of white supremacists and white nationalists, since that time around the ANTIFA thugs were actually assaulting and fighting with real racists.
Since Trump has refused to not merely play the politically correct game of only castigating racists like the KKK and other groups gathered there, but rather also condemning the violence from leftists gathered there that day, many in the media have worked tirelessly, in concert with Democrats, to paint all Trump voters, and now all Republicans as racist.
Howard Dean is merely the latest to give this theme clear expression. He said that the Charlottesville incident exposed Trump—a man he claimed has no moral character—and therefore all of his supporters from here on out as the racists they are.
Today in the 2018 elections, if you vote for a Republican, you’re supporting Donald Trump. This has now become a referendum. If you want to vote for a racist in the White House, then you better vote for Republicans, but if you want to vote for the Democrats and really have change. That’s where I think America is going, and I think there’s a lot more decent Americans than there are the kind of people who were supporting the folks in Charlottesville. And Trump is in the minority, and the polls are showing that. So I think this may be the moment that turns America away from the Republican party, which frankly long before Donald Trump was dog-whistling race, gay rights, immigrants, and Muslims.
So, to recap Howard Deans nonsensical statements: if you are a Republican, a Trump voter, god-forbid both at the same time, you are a racist, and America is running into the arms of the Democrat Party.