The 18-year-old accused of driving drunk and killing her younger sister in a crash said she livestreamed the graphic scene to her thousands of Instagram followers to make sure her sibling would "get a decent burial." Obdulia Sanchez was driving her 14-year-old sister, Jacqueline,and her girlfriend, Manuela Seja, back to her hometown of Stockton, California, on July 21 when she lost control of her Buick while livestreaming herself singing and dancing. She crashed through a barbed-wire fence and overturned in a field, ejecting the two 14-year-olds, who were not wearing seatbelts, through a rear window, according to the California Highway Patrol. Sanchez, who has more than 5,000 Instagram followers, recorded the entire thing, filming herself over her sister's bloodied body, apologizing and begging her to wake up.