Today we have a new entry for the Darwin award. This nominee tried wrestling down a snake for Snapchat.
You know you have stumbled on a good post when the top comment on Facebook is “People’s stupidity never ceases to amaze me.”
I am no snake expert but a thread in the comments led me to learn that the snake that got this girl was a cottonmouth snake. These people broke down the area this happened and compared snake family I love it.
Cottonmouth, Agkistrodon piscivourus, Venomous but rarely fatal, just a lot of pain and a good chance of a 6 figure hospital bill. Cro-fab isn’t cheap
Learn the scientific names so you can tell the ER exactly what you were bitten by rather than naming a family with numerous subspecies.
The snake doesn’t look that huge and it just goes to show, you just shouldn’t mess with Snakes for Snapchat.