Hillary Clinton said on MSNBC Saturday that women who support President Trump are “publicly disrespecting themselves.”
“When I see women doing that, I think, ‘Why are they publicly disrespecting themselves? Why are they opening the door to have someone say that about them in their workplace, in a community setting? Do they not see the connection there?'” Clinton told MSNBC’s Joy Reid on AM Joy.
Clinton commented about the Trump-supporting women after Reid asked her about pro-Trump women wearing shirts with profanities directed at Clinton.
The former 2016 presidential candidate added that she thought it was “troubling” to hear about people chanting, “Lock her up” at Trump campaign rallies.
“It was deeply troubling on several levels, and I try to unpack this because, first of all, it’s not pleasant to be called names and to be subjected to the kind of insults that come across the online media all the time, which we see when women express an opinion,” Clinton said.
She also called it “problematic” that Trump is not only allowing, but “encouraging” these views to spill over into “the public arena.”