A traumatic case of a brave young boy who was trying to save his sister has ended in heartbreak at the hands of a violent and disgusting savage pedophile.
Law enforcement in South Sacramento, California says that Deandre Chaney Jr. was in the process of molesting the boy's sister when the child tried to save her.
8-year-old Dante Daniels was a second-grade child that will now never get an opportunity to see the third grade because he witnessed Deandre Chaney, his mother's now ex-boyfriend trying to rape his 7-year-old sister Danae, and tried to stop the molestation from happening.
When Dante tried to attack the 23-year-old savage pedophile, the brutal thug grabbed a hammer and began smashing the child's skull in.
"Trying to save his sister from this child molester, and that's why he was beat the worst,” said Dante’s grandmother, Monique Brown.
28-year-old Elizabeth Salone, the children's mother, rushed at Deandre Chaney at which point he then began chasing her with the hammer and a knife and spraying her with lighter fluid in an attempt to set her on fire, according to police.
According to police that's when a neighbor called emergency 911 as he saw the violent criminal chasing the mother attempting to kill her.
Deandre Chaney was apprehended by police, but anyone reading this likely wishes they shot the bastard.
Six days later at a nearby hospital, Dante Daniels was declared brain dead and went from this Earth into the heavens at merciful hands of God.
The seven-year-old girl was also stabbed in the eye, and doctors say she may forever be blinded and unable to see.
The children's mother was in the hospital brutally beaten by the thug as well to within an inch of her life.