Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D., Calif.) couldn't name any laws in an interview airing Sunday that might have prevented last week's massacre in Las Vegas.
NBC host Chuck Todd asked Feinstein what laws could have prevented the massacre if she had her way with writing all laws.
"Let me ask you this: give me the slate of laws that if you could wave your wand and have enacted that could have prevented Vegas?" Todd said.
"Well, I don't know. I would have to take a good look at that and really study it," Feinstein said. "I'm not sure there is any set of laws that could have prevented it."
Congressional Democrats have responded to the massacre in Las Vegas by calling for additional gun laws and protests. Several Republicans have agreed to reevaluate the legality of bump stocks, which were used by the shooter in Las Vegas and allows semi-automatic rifles to fire quicker than they otherwise would.