A jetliner rapidly descended by 24,000 feet after the aircraft lost cabin air pressure while traveling from Australia to the holiday island of Bali on Sunday.
People aboard Indonesia AirAsia Flight QZ535 described a panicked flight crew announcing an emergency and oxygen masks dropping from the ceiling.
Passenger Clare Askew told reporters that airline staff "were screaming, looked tearful and shocked."
She added: “Now, I get it, but we looked to them for reassurance and we didn’t get any, we were more worried because of how panicked they were."
Chris Jeanes told NBC News that AirAsia workers sprinted down aisle shouting "emergency, brace, crash positions" about 25 minutes after the plane took off from Perth, Australia.
Jeanes, the passenger, had planned to propose to his girlfriend Casey Kinchella in Bali, but pulled down his oxygen mask and did it on the plane.