C-SPAN host Steve Scully: “As you know Sean Hannity on his program has been very critical of the Uranium One deal. The President saying, with regard to Russia, ‘that’s the real story in all of this.’ What would you say to those critics?”
Hillary Clinton: “I would say it’s the same baloney they’ve been peddling for years. And there’s been no, no credible evidence by anyone. In fact it’s been debunked repeatedly and will continue to be debunked. But here’s what they’re doing, and really I have to give them credit, you know Trump and his allies including Fox News are really experts at distraction and diversion. So the closer the investigation about real Russian ties between Trump associates and real Russians, as we heard Jeff Sessions finally admit to, uh, in his testimony the other day, the more they wanna just throw mud on the wall. And I’m their favorite target–and, you know, President Obama–we’re the ones that they always like to put in to the crosshairs. Uh, so, yes, I, I, I’m not surprised but I think the real story is how nervous they are about these continuing investigations.”