Riley County Police Department (RCPD) said Monday they wouldn't be filing criminal charges against a Manhattan, Kansas, man for painting his car with racist and obscene graffiti.
Twenty one-year-old Dauntarius Williams has admitted to defacing his car, which he said was done as part of a Halloween prank.
The graffiti was first spotted on Williams’ car on the morning of Nov. 3 on 2200 block of Claflin Rd. A neighbor had then reported the alleged defacement to the police.
Police said that during the course of their investigation Williams admitted to painting his black Dodge Avenger with racist and obscenity-laced messages.
According to the police, Williams expressed apology that his actions had resulted in negative attention. Williams had sprayed the racist graffiti that featured racial slurs like “go home,” “date your own kind,” and “die.”
According to New York Post, Williams said, “The whole situation got out of hand when it shouldn’t have even started. It was just a Halloween prank that got out of hand. I wish I could go back to that night but I can’t. I just want to apologize from the bottom of my heart for the pain and news I have brought you all.”