House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) mocked Democrats’ apocalyptic predictions about the GOP tax plan in an appearance on CNBC on Thursday, citing Wal-Mart’s tax reform-influenced decision to give raises and bonuses to its employees.
“Remember what Nancy Pelosi said, she said it’s going to be Armageddon if this tax bill passes,” McCarthy said.
A CNBC host noted that Democrats predicted that “people will die” if the bill became law.
“Now you have more than a million people that have received more than a billion dollars between that just in bonuses,” the California representative continued.
McCarthy also highlighted energy companies’ efforts to lower electric bills for their customers, as a result of the GOP tax plan.
“From the minimum wage going up, from maternity leave being longer, to now even some of your bills being less because of this tax bill. This really is the start of America’s comeback,” he said.