Bellevue High School is apparently filled with post modernist and Marxist teachers.
Terry Jess, is one of those teachers at Bellevue High School in Washington State that shares opinions that are common in the post-modernist and marxist ideologues. Jess is well known around campus for wearing varying versions of black lives matter shirts and talking about racial and social injustice with his students. Jess even created a club called “Bending the Arc,” a group aimed at ending the injustice in the black community.
Ironically this is the same state where a high school football coach was fired for praying on the field. But I guess they’re okay with their teachers promoting a group that openly and publicly advocates for killing cops.
He even suggested that Haiti is a poor country because whites colonized the area. Unfortunately for him, history isn’t on his side on most of these subjects, however don’t expect your young high school aged children to know that when he gives his lectures on the topics.