Following President Donald Trump’s delivery of the State of the Union address on Tuesday, CNN host Jake Tapper said Trump did not “understand” how offensive it was to Democrats for him to state that “Americans are DREAMers, too.”
According to Tapper, Trump did not understand that Democrats were going to be offended by the phrase “Americans are DREAMers, too” and other language used by Trump on immigration.
“[B]y the same token, I think President Trump doesn’t actually necessarily understand just how offensive many Democrats in that chamber are going to find some of the things he proposed and some of the things he said in terms of, there are Americans who are DREAMers, too, etc., some of the things he said about immigration that are going to turn off a lot of people in that chamber,” Tapper said.
Network political analyst Gloria Borger followed by saying that she agreed with Tapper’s assessment of Trump’s language.
“I want to echo something Jake said,” Borger said. “Because on the one hand, the speech could be kind of sunny and moving when you talked about some of the anecdotes and the people who were in that gallery. And then he would turn quite quickly to America first, to saying that Americans are DREAMers too, to policies that are quite divisive. And I think he’s gotten a little more adept at doing this. And we see that in this speech.”