Pelosi has been repeatedly rebuked by bishops, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and Catholic groups like the Catholic League for her pro-abortion stance. She has returned fire, calling bishops “lobbyists” – because they opposed an Obamacare mandate that violates Catholic teaching – and she has taken on nuns (The Little Sisters of the Poor) who sued to protect their religious freedom:
Catholic Bishop Rebukes Nancy Pelosi: Human Life ... “Nancy Pelosi is an abortion activists who claims to be a Catholic in good standing, but she has now been rebuked by her own bishops following comments in which she couldn't say if an unborn child at 20 weeks is a human being.”
Pelosi on Rolling Back Religious Exemptions to Contraceptive Mandate: 'This Is for Us A Value': House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) led a Pro-Choice Caucus briefing Thursday in support of a bill which would repeal President Trump’s exemptions from the Obamacare contraceptive mandate for groups, like the Little Sisters of the Poor, with religious and moral objections to paying for their employees' birth control.
Pelosi Dismisses Catholic Bishops as ‘Lobbyists’—For Opposing Obamacare Reg Forcing Catholics to Act Against Faith: “House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif) on Thursday described America’s Roman Catholic bishops as “lobbyists in Washington, D.C.” in their efforts to persuade the Department of Health and Human Service to rescind a proposed regulation under the new health-care law that would force Catholics to act against the teachings of their church by compelling them to purchase health-care plans that cover sterilizations and all-FDA approved contraceptives, including abortifacients.”
Pelosi Gets an “F” in Religion: “House Speaker Nancy Pelosi would have us believe that the Catholic Church was not always opposed to abortion. And she says this while admitting that she has studied the subject for a long time. Perhaps she should take time out to read what the Catholic Catechism says.”
USCCB Corrects Nancy Pelosi (again): “Not the first time this has had to happen. Nancy Pelosi tells the public something inaccurate and the US Bishops have to step in and correct her.”
Bishops to Pelosi: Stop misrepresenting church teaching against abortion: “Nancy Pelosi has gotten into hot water for misrepresenting Catholic Church teaching against abortion.”