This is the miraculous moment a two-year-old boy came within inches of being crushed to death by a falling palm tree.
Tong Gosungnern had been playing with friends on the road outside his parents' home in Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand, on Saturday afternoon.
CCTV captured the terrifying moment a 30ft high old palm tree came loose at base - crashing towards the children below.
As the youngsters see the tree, they scatter across the road. But curious Tong looked up in awe at the falling tree, rooted to the spot.
Incredibly, the tree missed his head by a whisker as he stood transfixed, the palm tree hitting the road and bouncing at his side before his , Jane, scooped him up in her arms.
Jane said: ''This was an old palm tree, so big. Nobody knew it would fall down. The moment I looked over and saw Tong with the tree coming down towards him, my heart stopped.
''I just ran