Joy Behar apologized to Mike Pence for mocking his faith, but the vice president didn't get what he really wanted: A bigger mea culpa to "millions of Christians" who watch "The View."
Pence was willing to turn the other cheek when Behar reached out privately, according to a White House source. But Behar, whose apology only made news when ABC boss Bob Iger acknowledged it at a shareholders' meeting Thursday, found sorry was the hardest word to utter to her TV show's audience.
“She apologized to the vice president, he accepted and said he wasn’t offended by her comment for his own sake but on behalf of the millions of Christians who watch ABC and her show," the source told Fox News. "He encouraged her to make the same apology publicly on the show that she did privately to him.”
Back on Feb. 13, Behar criticized Pence's faith by saying that hearing from Jesus is actually called “mental illness.” The Media Research Center launched a campaign to hold “View” co-hosts accountable for spewing “anti-Christian bigotry,” and ABC received more than 30,000 phone calls from angry viewers.