In a bit of must-see TV, conservative icon and Daily Wire founder Ben Shapiro appeared on CNN’s Reliable Sources this Sunday to debate host Brian Stelter on the topic of the media’s liberal bias. As would be expected, Shapiro wiped the floor with Stelter as he called out CNN for blatantly pushing a gun control agenda and not being objective. After being asked by Stelter to address where he saw the greatest example of liberal media bias, Shapiro homed in on their uniform calls for gun control and gun bands. “Well, over the last three weeks, obviously the coverage of the gun debate has been absolutely egregious,” he said. “And I don't want to single out your network, but CNN has been pretty bad about this, from a conservative perspective.”
Shapiro noted that most media outlets only allowed anti-gun survivors of the Parkland shooting to be heard extensively across all their programs, which was true even for Stelter. The CNN host had brought on anti-gun student David Hogg to smear gun rights advocates while ignoring pro-gun survivor Kyle Kashuv. “They allow certain people to go on TV and suggest that folks like Dana Loesch or people at the NRA are evil, don't care, they’re terrorists, and there is no pushback from the anchors. This sort of thing makes a lot of people on the right feel that the media are really using this as an opportunity to push gun control…,” Shapiro explained. (…)