We're not saying we're coming for your guns…we're singing it! With Ana Gasteyer! Watch the latest episode of The Birds and the BS where we explore our 2nd Amendment wrong rights. #MarchForOurLivesThe Birds and The BS with Jordan Roth is the kids show for adults! Because we forgot everything we learned in kindergarten. Join Mr. Jordan and his especially animated friends as they sing you towards the right path…but you know, left.EXECUTIVE PRODUCERJordan RothPRODUCERSJohn Walton WestSimon PearlCody WilliamsSCRIPT AND LYRICS BYJordan RothJohn Walton WestSimon Pearl Cody WilliamsMichael HartneyMUSIC for "ASSAULT WEAPONS" BYJonathan BrennerDIRECTED BYJohn Walton WestSimon PearlPRODUCERSJonathan BrennerKevin DudaAdam Paul VerityKevin LaibsonDevon SchneiderSam CornbrooksANIMATIONDan MarkowitzORCHESTRATIONS AND SOUNDSCAPINGJonathan BrennerEDITED BYSimon PearlDIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHYSimon PearlMUSIC DIRECTORJonathan BrennerHAIR / MAKEUPElliot HalperinSET DESIGNStephen DobayAndrew HodgeART DIRECTIONAndrew HodgePRODUCTION AND LIGHTING DESIGNAdam Paul VerityPHOTOGRAPHY DESIGNGregg MonteithASSOCIATE PRODUCERJenn MaleyMUSIC DESIGNJonathan BrennerAnthony De AngelisAdam Jones"ASSAULT WEAPONS" BACKUP VOCALSColleen MartoranoTHEME SONG – Voiced and Composed byAnthony De Angelis BIRD VOICERaleigh ShuckLINE PRODUCING TEAM: Charlotte WooJustin SchwartzJake FarnumMaddy RosalerStephan WashburnRheAnn MennefieldEmily PearsonElizabeth O’NeilBilly ReeceBrandon LewChad Vann