It looks like some liberal journalists are just not going to be happy with any school safety improvements that have anything to do with more guns in schools -- even if carried by trained police officers -- as CNN Tonight host Don Lemon used a segment on Friday to give a forum to black students from Parkland who are concerned that a greater police presence at the school has been making them feel discriminated against. Lemon began the segment by recalling the latest news on black shooting victims Stephon Clark and Alton Sterling -- who were both shot by police officers attempting to arrest them -- and then segued to his guests as he added: “So when you consider both these stories and the many, many others like them, it's no surprise that a group of students from Parkland, Florida -- students of color -- are concerned about the prospect of arming more police in our schools and what that might mean for their safety.”
After introducing his two guests the CNN host began by recounting a press conference the students had on Wednesday. Lemon read from their statement: “The Black Lives Matter movement has been addressing the topic since the murder of Trayvon Martin in 2012, and we have never seen this kind of support for our cause. We surely do not feel that the lives or voices of minorities are valued as much as those of our white counterparts.” -- Guest Tyah-Amoy Roberts then complained that the media have been giving more positive attention to Parkland student activists in the aftermath of the school shooting there, as she alleged that the Black Lives Matter movement has received less attention or more negative reaction. The overall tone suggested that the public should be as concerned about completely innocent students being attacked at school by rampage killers as criminals being killed by police officers who may or may not be overreacting when suspects resist arrest.
A bit later, the CNN host moved to asking his guests about negative experiences they have had with police officers at school in Parkland. Lemon: "Since the shooting, you say that the increased police presence has created new stress for you on campus. Why is that?" After Parkland student Kai Koerber recounted a time when he felt unfairly targeted by a police officer at school. Lemon followed up: "Do you think other students will feel safer -- I mean, how do you explain to those students why you don't feel the same way?"