A Missouri state senator has had some choice words for Gov. Jay Nixon over Twitter over the past two days.
“F—- you, Governor,” Democratic State Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal tweeted at the governor, also a Democrat, on Thursday. “I’m calling your bullsh—!”
Chappelle-Nadal’s tweet came as the protests in Ferguson, Mo., escalated after the shooting death of an unarmed black teen, Michael Brown, at the hands of a police officer. The state senator has had tear gas thrown at her during the protests, according to local news reports.
Her other tweets have been no less fiery.
“I never expected to represent a war zone,” she tweeted later on Thursday. And one of the many tweeted directly at Nixon’s account: “Get on your knees, Governor. Get ready.”
On Wednesday: “Someone says Governor Nixon is in Florida. His a— needs to step down. He’s ZERO!”
She also dubbed the governor “ useless” and a “ jack-$$.”