Seven students at an elementary school in Prince George’s County cut their wrists at school using blades from pencil sharpeners, according to officials.
Officials with Prince George’s County Public Schools said a concerned parent at William Paca Elementary School in Hyattsville came forward on March 29 and an investigation was launched.
It was revealed that the students used blades out of pencil sharpeners to cut themselves, officials stated.
All seven students were seen by the school nurse and none of the children were taken to the hospital, according to officials. School counselors were brought in to speak with the students.
Officials announced a ban on pencil sharpeners at the school in a message sent to parents on March 29 and said they worked to contact the families of students involved over spring break, which was between April 2 and April 6.
Several concerned parents questioned why the school waited until Tuesday to alert all parents of the incident. Prince George’s County Public Schools released the following statement to FOX 5: