As the Yemen war enters its fourth year of being ignored by the media, RT’s In the Now has republished a forgotten clip from 2016 in which CNN’s Wolf Blitzer interviews Rand Paul. The clip is nothing short of chilling and explains why the media and politicians continue to ignore the war, while silently supporting it—the slaughter of innocent children is good for business.
As the clip begins, Rand Paul is explaining that “There are now millions of displaced people in Yemen. They’re refugees. So we supply the Saudis with arms, they create havoc and refugees in Yemen. Then what’s the answer? Then we’re going to take the Yemeni refugees in the United States? Maybe we ought to quit arming both sides of this war.”
To give specific details of the US involvement in the slaughter of children, Paul noted, “We are refueling the Saudi bombers that are dropping the bombs. It is said that thousands of civilians have died in Yemen because of this.”
CNN’s Blitzer responded, “So for you this is a moral issue. Because you know, there’s a lot of jobs at stake. Certainly if a lot of these defense contractors stop selling war planes, other sophisticated equipment to Saudi Arabia, there’s going to be a significant loss of jobs, of revenue here in the United States. That’s secondary from your standpoint?”
Paul countered, “Well not only is it a moral question, its a constitutional question.” He then noted that it was Obama who partnered with Saudi Arabia to wage war on Yemen without Congressional approval. “Our founding fathers very directly and specifically did not give the president the power to go to war. They gave it to Congress. So Congress needs to step up and this is what I’m doing.”