James Comey was the dirty cop in charge of a bunch of dirty cops. And what you have here is, this was a criminal plot by senior people: John Brennan, James Comey, James Clapper, senior Department of Justice officials to suborn the presidency of the Unite States through the use of false evidence. The false FISA warrants were obtained through lying to the FISA Court. When all is said and done, Mr. Huber who is conducting the grand jury to investigate the unmasking, the lying of the FISA court, and the leaking of the information to the press. It will be shown without a shadow of a doubt that the reason Mr. Brennan has been lying under congressional testimony from the beginning is because he knew if he told the truth that he would reveal the plot that involved all the people. That story in The New York Times today is a magnificent piece of evidence that there was in fact a plot… There was an effort to undermine the candidacy of the opposition party, This is the most unbelievable scandal in the history of this country and The New York Times just blew the lid off of it.