Google translate "Aggression and attempted murder. With these accusations the agents of the Crema police station arrested a 24-year-old Nigerian, with a regular residence permit, guest of a cooperative in Madignano. The man is now in prison in Cremona.
Shortly after 9pm last Thursday, May 24th, the station head called 112 asking for help. The police officers of the police station found a 22-year-old Senegalese sitting on a bench with several head injuries. Relief from the 118 medical staff, he was transferred to the Maggiore hospital. Medicato, was discharged with a prognosis of a few days.
"The railway station video surveillance system - the vice-president Daniel Segre explained in a press conference today - recorded all the phases of the aggression: the young man, hypothesized for economic reasons, was faced by a group of people. to steal his bicycle and load it on the train leaving for Cremona, he resisted and the Nigerian threw him to the ground and tried to push him under the train "."