She is a bus driver for HISD
This woman rushed in to the resturaunt, hollered an order at the girl but rather than paying she kept moving and went to the bathroom. She came back 5 minutes later and seemed visibly annoyed but repeated her order and paid. Then only a few seconds later she starts snapping at the girl talking down to her. Having worked retail 13 years, my gut feeling told me she was about to explode for no reason. As soon as I hit record it started and she screamed at the people making food. She acted like they were playing with her food but then she demanded a refund and the tacos. It was obvious she wanted a free dinner. If you think a place is messing with your food, you don't demand a refund and the food.
1.If it was a man I would have done the same damn thing. It was clear she wasn't going to stop yelling and making a scene(Couldn't stop the stampede that was started) so rather than let her treat that girl behind the counter like that it was easier to draw her attention at me and have her scream and yell and make a scene at me while they worked out getting the money back
2. Does it truly matter that I am "white and recording it?" Trust that if your family was being treated like that at their job that I would do the same damn thing again and at no moment would I think "no they Black,or Asian, or Spanish etc so I'm not sticking up for them" No one person to me is identified by a screwed up system built to cause us to hate and war with each other and continue divided. I don't think about your skin, I think about the soul inside and how others treat that soul!
3.That girl once the lady left was shaking, sputtering, bawling her eyes out. No child deserves that. If voicing up mean I was wrong then congratulations, I'll continue to be wrong every single day for the rest of my life because I would do it the same way every time.
4. I keep hearing that I need to "mind my own business, stay in my lane" but at what point do we need to acknowledge that a grown adult acting like a preteen who learned their first cuss words and throwing a tantrum in public does it become "my business as well" hearing that and seeing that, I'm not just going to lower my head and pretend the problem isn't there. I'm going to call out the problem because I wouldn't stand for anyone treating my family like they are a verbal punching bag. I'm firmly believing that if you make a scene of yourself in public you've just invited to become everyone's business.