Following his dismissal of May and the Commonwealth, Malema went off on a tangent about a borderless African continent.
Clearly, Malema sweats the small stuff, as he lambasted the use of judicial wigs, saying:
“It is through small things that we can achieve the total freedom of South Africa. Like that wig that judges wear, what is that? Does it mean that you can only think when you wear the hair that resembles that of a white man?”
He then went on to propose a unified language for all Africans:
“We must develop a common language that can be used throughout the continent. Like Swahili, if it can be developed as the language of the continent.”
Lastly, he called for a borderless African continent, with one ruling party, saying:
“We need a border-less continent, We need one currency, one paliarment and one President that can unite the continent. We need a United States of Africa. We need one Africa.”