Google translate: "A 56-year-old man was rescued by the driver, underwent CT scanning at the HC Unicamp and was released, as he suffered minor injuries. He now awaits a vacancy for treatment of alcohol dependence.
A 56-year-old homeless man suffered minor injuries after being run over and having a car wheel running over his head in Lindoia (SP). The accident occurred on Wednesday (28) and the G1 had access to the images of the accident on Thursday (29).
Security cameras in a market located on Avenida 31 de Março show the moment when the driver tries to stop in the parking space and does not see the victim lying in the parking space.
According to an official, the man is well known in the region and usually stays in front of the trade.
According to the Civil Police, the man was rescued by the driver and referred to the Santa Casa de Águas de Lindoia. Later, he was transferred to HC from Unicamp, Campinas (SP), where he performed a CT scan and was released.
Facing problems with alcohol consumption, the victim is now being treated by Lindoia's medical post and is awaiting treatment.
The police station in Lindoia reported that the case was registered as a culpable bodily injury."