16 year old from King's Lynn, Norfolk, England, was arrested after this video emerged on Facebook. The video shows a group of teenagers harassing a man pushing another man in a wheelchair, they count down and then the perpetrator assaults the man caring for the disabled man.
why are blacks so good at basketball? cause its the only game where you get to run, shoot and steal!!!
White people should not waste time trying to civilize, teach, or train these melanated beasts.
Says the guy who wastes his life on the comment section
Yet, here you are with us.
Blacks again show their violent side.
The niggers are just showing everybody their true colors. Everybody knows that they ruin everything....NRE
At public events like this, all nogs should be seated in a separate section.
After the game begins, a cage should be lowered over them until all the humans are home safely.
Or we could just exterminate them all.
Decisions, decisions...
Door #2, please.
The instant I read degenerates and basketball... Then saw team salt and team pepper... I knew which side was going to attack
Melanated monster meloneaters.
Stop most crime by throwing a basketball at the perps . Self segregate folk's . Deny these POS dindu Nuffins all and any leisure . Just like they have destroyed all the US cities with their BS . I hope I live to see the day when they are dealt with harshly and decisively ! Sad for the good ones , even they run from the hood to only be treated the same ! What can be done ? Take your kids out of the HS leagues and have them do other single player sports and excel . Fuk these monkeys , it's always them starting BS drama ! They can play on unfunded , unsanctioned team sports with zero financial support . Just like their cities !
Put your kids in swimming team sports , Golf and Hockey . Thank me later ! Let the boons try at it with no support of white families . See the schools struggle to explain why ! I'm so glad my kids are raised . I moved to E/NC to get them in a safe white town and away from inner city doom I was locked into by family and a mortgage ! Best decision of my life . Not only did we say goodbye to our idiot families but also the FU school Districts in NYS ! NC does not FA with their black population . Any issues at school and Jamal gets shown the door for good . They expel their asses faster than a 7 am McDonald's order . Teacher's can be armed as well here .
Smart man and you're right. I also moved out of the big city into a state with whites and the freedom to carry a gun everywhere. I put my son into cross country and he found hockey on his own. Now he's an adult, 6'2' 220# and plays in a hockey league and doesn't have a criminal record. Best decision we've ever made!
Always one race, ALWAYS.
I am surprised niggers attacked an old white man... not! it is their M.O. (That is an abbreviation for a Latin phrase that means "they act that way")
I'll never understand why white folks watch these blacks.
Niggers gonna nig
Guess who 🦍🦍🦍🦍
Never ref a niggerball game.
Basket Ball Jones!
Niggers gonna nig, get these monkeys out of all white nations.
I'm with the crowd, that Roughing the Passer penalty is called way too quic... OUCH!
reminds me of that time Feeling Lucky's mum sucked my cock for free
Hate to stereotype, but they make it so easy.
-7/30/18 https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/psychological-medicine Lower IQ was associated with violence perpetration.
Can't live with them Won't live near them
i'm not saying there aren't some times white people are evil and need to be attacked.. but also sometimes black people are just plain niggers.
Blacks belong in the grave don't have mercy on black people they are not human.
Basketball was invented by a Christian white guy, ironically.
Quit being a racist and biased cheater? Just a thought.
Something about all of those on that side attacking the ref.... they all look similar... nope. Can't put my finger on it.
You know what would be a real shame - if there was a grenade inside a basketball.. Well maybe not a grenade but you know... "Find a way... Figure it out... Improvise... Adapt and Overcome"
The ONE game The Harlem GROIDTROTTERS lose, and this shit happens.
Wow he pretends worse than a trans asshole pretends to be the opposite sex.
A "basketball match". How's the weather in tel aviv rabbi?
Just the usual black on White violence.
sorry. very little sympathy. that's what you get when you iteract with niggras.
let's watch 'tards and boons chase an orange ball around as if it were the last banana! yay!
degenerates now means .... well we all know ! distance yourself once you get that smell
-Nigger team got beat and of course they cant handle it
just end nggrs ffs
This sport is for Chocolate Kings and Queens, Pasty-interlopers need not apply!