A New Jersey woman is suing her boss for sexual harassment after claiming he unzipped his pants and exposed himself to her, left a dildo on her desk and regularly made 'vile' unwanted sexual advances towards her.
Meaghan Martin, 27, claims Dru DiSilvestro - a manager at Eric M. Krise Electrical Contractor LLC in Elmer, New Jersey - sent her a photo of his genitals that he had taken in the office bathroom and was caught on camera bragging that women shouldn't have the same rights as men.
In the lawsuit filed against DiSilvestro, Martin also alleges that the company's human resources manager created an 'inappropriate-comment jar' that resulted in $1 being contributed for any inappropriate comment made in the office.
She claims that at the end of each week, the HR manager would pick out notes from the comment jar that related to DiSilvestro's conduct and there would be enough fines to pay for lunch for the entire office.