Earlier this evening, September 1st, 2019, The Satanic Temple - Minnesota chapter was holding a small ice cream social at Union Square Park, a city park, in Belle Plaine, MN. We had planned to have some sweet treats, meet friends old and new, maybe play some board games, or play some outdoor games. It was to be our final send off to summer and was meant to be a family friendly event.
That never happened.
While setting up we noticed a few onlookers, which was to expected. We noticed one man, the man you see in the video, staring at us from across the intersection. We paid no mind, and decided to play some music (Lucien Greaves recently had a blog, so we were going through the music he listed to check it out) at a low volume, just to avoid issues.
That was when we saw him walking toward us.
This man was immediately hostile toward us. We had been at the park maybe fifteen minutes or so, and the event wasn't set to start for fifteen more. Already, though, this man was enraged at the mere presence of us. Immediately demanding to know where we were from, and telling us we were not welcome there, and then asking us if we even cared about veterans that died for our country.
He said this directly to members present, who were, in fact, veterans themselves.
At this point, he continued to escalate. It turns out he had called local police prior to him confronting us. And the presence of police escalated more. It turned to threats of violence, with him threatening to 'end' our Co Chapter Head multiple times.
He was then sent away by police, only to stand on the corner, staring, as more people joined him. After speaking with police, our Co Chapter Head refrained at this point from pressing charges, and simply asked that our group be left in peace.
After police left this man continued to watch us, and had garnered a following, and was going from house to house.
We contacted the police ourselves and stated our concerns, and wanted to ensure our own members' safety above all else.
In the end, charges were pressed against this gentleman.
Is this how people that are different are treated? A peaceful picnic turned into death threats by our mere presence. Is this tolerance? We peacefully and lawfully stood our ground.
In the end our group left for our own safety, and finished our now melted ice cream at a different park a city over.
The struggle for justice...
We thank Belle Plaine PD for their professionalism and promptness in handling this incident.