Menacing monkeys have been chasing people around the streets of a city in north India, with CCTV showing them attack three people on separate occasions.
The troop of vicious simians was seen in the city of Mathura, Uttar Pradesh state, in the Kotwali area outside a women's polytechnic institute attacking two girls and a man on September 23.
Suck it, monkeys!!!! Keep voting libtards into power!!! ha ha ha ha you reap what you sow.
Nobody can go shopping anymore because blacks suck
Would be nice if they had some balls and stated who was committing all of the violence and thefts......
Would be nicer if these looting cockroaches would be shot, and the ones responsible hung with their own entrails..
They'd be instantly cancelled. Plus, the people responsible for these businesses are the same ones paying the radicals and terrorists i.e. ANTIFA, BLM, etc 🥱
You mean.....there might be the threat of a 'Crackacality' (a group of Naggers, splitting into two or more smaller groups of Naggers, when one too many Naggers is added to the first group) *This is known as Nogclear NUTTIN'....very dangerous, as 'noids are scattered everywhere....some of whom enter large groups, where Nuttin' takes place again.....leading to a chain reaction!! Christ in a Sidecar!!! :/
Don’t worry, it’ll stop when the stores are all empty and gone, after that it’s YOUR home and property. But rest assured, your great government will make sure you won’t be able to protect yourself from these mostly peaceful pieces of shit.
....up to us, then. Fair warning.
They've got almost 1/4 mile to get up my driveway. I'd have them sighted in before they ever knew I was even looking. In my state, the use of deadly force is authorized to protect yourself and your property but even if it wasn't that right was granted to me at birth.
More power to ya!
Question: can shoplifters get unemployment since the store will not provide them with income.
The failed race once again in every clip. SHOCKER
Racist Fact #6: Blacks murder A LOT!
Despite making up just 13-14 percent of the population, blacks committed half of homicides in the United States for nearly 30 years.
Racist Fact #7: White-on-black crime is a statistical rarity
Blacks are statistically 26.5 times more likely to commit criminal violence against a white person, than vice versa.
You know, I'm beginning to think yo don't like them! Ha ha, just joshing.....WHO DOES??!
Because hnkys are weak and present very easy targets for the criminal element in our community.
My bet is you are a complete candy ass. You talk big on the keyboard, chimpy.
I truly wish I had the skills to trace your computer ID. I'd come straight to your basement and call you out. It is cause of low IQ apes like you, that have no concept of right or wrong, that this is happening. Next, the nig-rows will be blaming whites, cause the stores are shut down. What say you, chimpy?
I dont talk "big." I just state facts. You're right. Im not a tough guy at all. And I don't claim to be. My tough guy days are far behind me. You seem to be the one who feels the need to prove toughness. But I see right through you. Matter of fact, I have a picture of you right here......🐈
EVERY time white actually fight Negros it turns into a Negro bloodbath.
Just read where white South African farmers killed 4 and wounded 3 out of 15 Boon who robbed an armoured car, killing the negro driver. The Negro criminals were armed with AK 47s and the whites only had pistols.
INCREDIBLE yet true.
You Negros never gained your freedom, ha,ha,ha it was given to you pussies.
Yes. That's because hnkys scatter like scared roaches leaving the slowest of the hnky pack to take an azz whooping. = white power. 💪😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
Nope, it's because we're better than you cursed Negros.
Lol. Ok. Because you say so. It must be true.😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
Not because I say so, because it is true, Negro.
So you are a darkie Negro that has been picked on by the lighter ones. How about your babay mama sheboon?
That's your racist bias opinion. Fortunately for me white women dont share your racism. Rarely do you see white women on this site. Why do you think that is?😁
Not racist, the truth can't be racist. It's people like you who lie because of racial concern that are the actual racists.
I only speak the truth while you live in a sea of lies, Negro.
You must not know the difference between truth and opinion. I told you an iq of 100 is just a touch past mildly retarded. You're living proof of that.😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Actually 100 is the averge white IQ, the cursed dumb Negro average being 85. a Negro with a 100 IQ is like a genius Negro but only on par with the average white man. That's why you can't seem to understand easy concepts like percentage/rate in your comments.
I really don't expect a Negro like you to understand a concept like the truth not being racist, but hey you're a ..............NEGRO!
Ha,ha,ha,ha, sucks to be you.
And you are far below average dumb sht.
Says the Negro!
Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha, you're a butt ugly, dumb, cursed, Negro.
Soooo are you a darkie Negro? Been bullied and mocked by the lighter Negros? You got that hard African flat ape nose to get ridiculed for?
Dayyyyum! I'm glad I'm not a cursed Negro like you.
White women like me. You're g8y as sht. How you gonna call another man "butt ugly?"😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂
I'm pointing out the FACT that you cursed Negros are not just the dumbest of all peoples, you're also the butt azz UGLIEST.
Daaayyyyyum, I'm glad i'm not a cursed Negro like you ARE.
Here's a picture of you;💩
And here's one of you....🦧
Oh. And you dont have to trace my computer. Ill give you my location just like all the other hnkys who have asked......Chicago. When can I expect you in my basement?
$hit congo. No way chimpy. Ain't no hood rat in $hit congo talks as white as you do. Ain't no hoody wearing thug ever spent time in the military, as I have. I don't hold a handgun sideways like thugs of your culture. They spray and pray. I take aim to eliminate the threat. My bet is you couldn't survive for 3 days in the wilderness. The facts that you state, are the same ones of white libtards, and the house neegrows of the congressional black caw caw. Back to yer tree, chimpy.
I have uncles and cousins that have fought in wars. If you have been in the military then you know as well as anybody that there are plenty of inner city young black men who gladly serve our country. You're right. I couldn't survive in the wilderness. But you couldn't survive 5 minutes in my hood. Dont write checks that your arse cant cash hnky coward. Tell Jason Aldean that he's a bish azz hnky. Just like you.
I could survive in your hood. I am darker than cory booger, jesse smullett, and psuedo-negro camalla harris, who be married to a white jew. Jason is right. Some hoody wearing thug show up in my town, lookin to steal, fight, or rape, will get quick justice. Your peeps on the congressional black caucus are the biggest house niggas in history. They is lettin cornpop give illegals $$$ hand over fist. And dummies like you, vote them in, and say nuthin. You neegrows really are the dumbest race.
and you're a bitch like Michael Jackson
...And Njggers are brain dead thieving mongrels that have zero value beyond target practice.
Still doesn't explain why hnkys are such easy targets. Is being a possy genetic?🤔
Being civilized is hard to undersand for an animal...
So you're saying hnkys are pu$$ies because they're civilized. Got it. Hey why dont you find somewhere to sit your dumb azz down and stfu. Grown folks are talking.
No, because we value our freedom and aren't as full of hate and envy like negros are. We actually have living and ethical standards unlike you cursed children of Ham.
We're just not that dumb..............and UGLY.
So a hnky will take whatever a black man has to dish out in order to avoid going to jail. Any idea how dumb and cowardly you sound right now?
No, it's because we usually are blind sided of attacked by multiple cowards which is the negro way, Negro.
And run like hell instead of fighting like a man. Its the hnky way. = white power .💪😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
No, we always win infair fights. I don't think Negros have EVER bbeaten whites on the battlefield, even when whites are outnumbered 5 to 1.
You cursed people only excell when crime is involved on unsuspecting people not looking for trouble.
Oh how cursed are you children of Ham, slaves of slaves to ALL other peoples. Have been slaves and will continue to be dependent upon your superiors.
Lol, lol. Always win in fair fights.😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂🤣🤣
Always against cowardly criminal Negros. Name a single battle where Negros won. NEVER we always stack your Negro bodies like cordwood. As long as a population consists of 20% whites they will ALWAYS dominate and rule over the cursed children of Ham.
Name a single battle this country won without the help of black men. Ill wait......
Baloney, and when true it was minimal help and up to and including WWII they almost always were led by whites due to IQ and discipline concerns. Couldn't and still can't leave cursed Negros to themselves. Very dumb, inefficient, and unreliable people.
They used to say the same thing about quarterbacks in the nfl. Look at the league now. The truth is that there was a time when most hnkys thought just like you. But with your death dies your racism. Enjoy it while it last hnky.
We will ALWAYS rule over you cursed Negros. We ain't going anywhere because history ebbs and flows, but the cursed Negro is always LAST.
Thanks for the help let me know when the govt gives you that 40 acres and a mule.
Forsure. Then you can send your mama to pull my plow for me.
Feral nogs converse, more like.
Ok 🐈.
emoji's used by adults make me laugh
How about this one.....🖕🏾
No, getting sucker punched by groups of cowards isn't either, super criminal Negro.
It's not a sucker punch if all your homies are running like scared roaches. You hnkys travel in packs. But run like bishes when trouble starts.= white power. 💪😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣
I got something loaded and waiting for these njggers and for you if you want to show up
Hard thought to grasp that some people have evolved to not need to be violent against their own constantly.
Good luck trying to fit in to society, cuh.
Defending yourself is not considered violence. It's called being a man. And hnkys run like a bish when it's time to check nuts. = white power. 💪🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
Defence is not the issue.
And every thievin' nggr (redundant I know) will be whinin' 'and cryin'.... "we ain't got no mo sto..... dat raaaaaaaaaaaaaacist.... raaaaaaaacist...... C'mon Deshujuanmilik, let's go robs us anudda one."
Not sure how that answers my question. The question was why are hnkys such possies? Nice deflection though Wayne Gretzky.
The better question is - Why is every nggr a robbing, raping, murdering, low-IQ, diseased, rancid, piece of sh#t who detracts exponentially from civilized society????
We know. Youre a niq qer
Get comfortable and accept it. Some peoples are genetically predisposed to; murder, steal, loot and like women with big fat butts
....but, but....where's we gunna ROBZ?!
Your home, next. When they run out of stores, those hordes are coming for your homes. Perhaps, you got a gun. Maybe you have an AR-15. Good. But when you got a horde of these people rushing into your home, you could take out one, two, maybe three. The numbers tell no lies. Don't allow Hollywood's fiction to mislead you. You're not killing all of them. And if you have family, no matter the age of the children, the things they will do to them out of spite because you killed a few of them, I rather not be alive at that time.
Well said, ApeZombies are worse than the creatures in
the movie The Omega Man. Government is propping them up, they use them as tools against Humans.
You just need to take out a couple and the rest will flee. I've seen it so many times. A gun firing in your direction is a real shock to the system.
When you start shooting, they return fire wildly. They don't handle guns like John Wick. They shoot all over the place. Thus, endangering others, such as family and neighbors. They do that because they know good people exist. Like when they run from cops on high-speed car chases, they know the odds are in their favor the cops will break pursuit if they see the thugs place the public's lives in jeopardy. So they're counting on you to do the right thing and not shoot back and let them rob and kill you. Then rape the wife and daughter. These people are not good folks. They have nothing good inside them. They can pretend with a crucifixion or bible verse, but usually, they're doing that to make you think they're good folks. That eases your guard down. Wicked by nature, cursed by culture.
These people will use their own baby as a body shield. They'll throw the baby at you if that can provide an escape.
These people will avoid targeting confrontational situations. Regardless of how tough and hardcore gangsters they are, they rather easy scores. Single-armed men pose that threat. But a family offers leverage. Once again, they're not good people. And when society finally sees this for what it is, it'll be too late, as the war machine spits out drafts by the millions. And if the Zoomers believe, "I refuse to fight for rich white privilege," Uncle Sam will cut the juice. They could always lie and say, "Ugh, the Chinese hit us with a dozen EMPs." Our word against politicians.
This is where the violence of this nation, and world, is leading us to -- World War Three. The AUTHENTIC depopulation apparatus. Putin proved a theory, you can lower your prison numbers with war. That mutherfucker drafted so many inmates that he had to shut prisons down due to too many empty cells.
I I feel sorry for all those hard-working people who actually PAID for their groceries there and have now lost another opportunity to put food on the table thanks to these narcissistic, sociopathic scumbags.
Nigga thugs don't give a fuk about their own communities either. This will force all the low IQ thugs into white neighborhood stores to do their looting.
Old Illuminati eye symbolism on Target wall poster at 0:52 mark. I wish I could load the videos that show the literally hundreds if not thousands of important people doing the illuminati sign. And the illuminati symbolism is not some modern fad either. I watch a lot of old movies from the 60's and 70's plus I have been into the music as well. I never paid attention to all the illuminati symbolism of old pop culture, I had no idea, but it was there and quite common. When you look at a fine watch you look for Swiss Made, or a good tool with the Made In USA mark or an optic with Made In Germany, well its like that with the satanic masonic crowd as well for they like to display their mark on what they produce.
The businesses are moving everything online, and considering the intel the corporations purchased during the shutdowns regarding the massive uptick in online sales, ugh, it looks promising. They can make more money by eliminating cashiers, store employees, and multiple location leases. Combine ten stores into one massive factory. Then add robots and AI, right? Booyah! All in the plans.
However. If there are no stores for the criminals to rob, guess where they're going next? YOUR HOME! See how they do things in hordes? That will continue but into the neighborhoods. And I don't give a fuck how many guns you all have. You're NOT taking them all out. Also, consider, they too have guns. Perhaps, you would never shoot a child -- they will! Out of spite because you had the audacity to use a gun against them.
They're coming! Thankfully, they have short attention spans which means short travels. They won't target poor and middle-class folks. They're coming for the wealthy neighborhoods. And the things those guys are going to do to the women and children, my gad, I wouldn't want to be rich at that time.
They're coming, rich people!
You're right, but the slightest resistance will get rid of them. They are essentially cowards. So they will target gun free families, who will be the white liberals who all hate guns. So they will learn that they have been sold a false bill of goods when the hordes are smashing through their frontdoor at 2am and the cops are already busy containing other packs of shit up to no good. It's gonna be SA 2.0. Once these animals get a taste for it, they will be committing unspeakable acts to these people. Maybe this will be a tipping point. Who knows. People are so selfish these days they'll probably do fuck all.
Tahhhr-jay worships at the altar of all that is ApeBeast, they
should welcome this behavior.
Totally correct....Shitlibs thought worship and groveling
would calm the stinking MonkeyMonsters, that is
an obvious fail.
BLACK POWER!!!!!🙈🙉🙊🙉🙈🙉🙊🙉🙈💩💩💩💩💩💩
no more queer books and clothing for kids boo fkn hoo
blacks doing good for a change
now go after the small hats who started all this shit
Duh whyte man be rayciss. Y cum we ca'nt be takin dey repurashuns
Looks like the locals fucked up everybody's chance at living civilized. Guess they are going to have to pivot to subsistence farming soon.. sure the transition will go smooth
Black skins are the brown shirts of the WEF... great job usefull idiots!
Precisely, the trojan horse of any prosperous society.
They will move to new areas and start the cycle again.
All that diversity makes me sick just looking at it.
Brown...like shit.
NOT a national crisis. ONLY happening in groid town. I have seen hundreds of the videos and 100% of the time it's apes. Good. Now all the white areas can prosper and the black areas can turn to shit and when they whine about it we can tell why. Because you have no character. You are locusts.
Nbbber's one success story: they destroy 100 percent of what they touch
Stop licking these retarded baboons ass like they're gods you stupid ass bleeding heart liberals. Fuckin Planet of the Apes I swear.
Ahh's don't's knows why's dey's closin ups da Target. It's cuz weez black and dey's racis! So let's loot and burn in protest! Dat'll fix em!
Still slaves, to Satan!
Never actually thought of it that way. 👌👌
Now they have to travel to white areas for shopping. Is that the plan?
Man I've seen so many Burbs destroyed by this groid plague. My neighborhood right now, is getting overrun and it's a 15 year old Burb.
CVS has announced that by the end of 2024, they'll be closing 900 stores. Yes, because of nhiggers stealing them blind in demtard cities with soft on crime policies and where the police have been defunded. Other stores will be closing too- just a matter of time. Then all the nhiggers will be screeching, "We ain't gots no place to shop! Dis be raycism!" Typical nigger response- they shit their beds, scream it's someone else's fault and complain about the stink they themselves have created. Idiots!
Don't make eye contact, talk, or do business with blacks EVER. Never drive your car into areas concentrated with a black population. Self-segregation is desirable, legal and will increase the odds of a happy life.
national asian crisis! they must be stopped!
Why are they not showing video of white and Asian shoplifting?
This is racist I tell ya.
Cant fucking blame them for closing down.
Screw Target, they support this crap...meaning the BLM looters.
Target closing in Harlem. No kidding. Who would have thunk of that ! Good for them, they are one of major corps supporting BLM, being based in Little Mogudishu MInneapolis.
Chinese helped buulod the nations railroads. The Irish helped build tthe railroads.
The only way a black helped build a railroad was if he was on a chain gang.
Aaaaaaannnd... Target was/is targeting kids with trans sh*t... So, good riddance!!
The Elites let this go by not prosecuting crimes they'll then offer up a solution which is Social Credit scores and Digital Money.