An innocent game of hide-and-seek ended in a teenager getting stuck inside the washing machine, only to be rescued by fire-fighters. 18-year-old Amari Dancy was playing the game with her cousins when she thought of the washing machine as a good place to hide.
Little did she know that she would end up getting stuck there. One of the cousins saw her stuck in the washing machine, alerted others, and called the emergency services for help. The teenager was quoted by NBC News as saying, "We already had hid underneath the bed, in the closet, and we couldn't go down into the basement...So, I was like 'Oh, ok, let's just hide in the washer machine."
The ordeal faced by Dancy was shared on Instagram by her aunt Naomi Elizabeth, with videos of firefighters wearing masks and rescuing the girl by removing the top of the washing machine to make enough space to pull her out.