In George Orwell's 1984, he predicted a chilling dystopian future which is coming true in China today. China already has one of the worst human rights records in history, and it is getting worse every day. In a recent documentary released by ABC TV in Australia, China's terrifying "Social Credit" system was examined by foreign correspondents. This numerical character rating is being applied to 1.4 billion of its citizens, using the world's biggest camera surveillance network to track people's movements and actions 24 hours a day through CCTV surveillance and facial recognition software.
The film reveals how an incredible 2000 year old prediction from the Book of Revelation about the Mark of the Beast and an 'image that speaks' is coming true before our eyes. It is essential viewing for anyone wanting to know the truth about where the world is heading. But, more important than just knowing the truth, is our need to adjust our vision for the future, in keeping with where things are heading.