Hey, remember, if you don't vote for Biden, 'you ain't black.'
Now that 88% of voting blacks got the ok from old Joe, those who depend on government assistance will be forced to vaccinate or starve to death.
If you vote for the oppressors, you commit atrocities. It turns out to millions of Joe Biden supporters that their candidates manage to steal elections and seize control of the White House.
A prominent member of the BIA Kovid-19 Taskforce, a CIA-linked operative named Luciana Borio, says those who refuse vaccination should be denied food stamps and fare assistance.
And to convince black Americans to take the vaccine, the affected should be hired to blackwash them with special compliance messages that have been scientifically tested in socially engineering focus groups.
So in closing, if you don't vote for Biden you ain't black and if you don't get vaxed, you ain't eating!