In the middle of an Ohio township meeting, a trustee shows his bare chest - to make a point about Asian American discrimination. A township trustee in a Cincinnati suburb stunned those gathered for the regular township meeting this week by unbuttoning his shirt – to send a message about recent events.
In a West Chester Township meeting, Trustee Lee Wong lifted his shirt and showed a series of scars across his chest, announcing he won't tolerate discrimination or racism. "For too long, we have, I have, put up with a lot of s*** in silence, excuse the language, too afraid to speak out, fearing more abuse and discrimination," Wong said during the Tuesday board meeting.
The 69-year-old Asian American talked about immigrating to America as an 18-year-old and finishing high school during the comments section of the meeting. He spoke of a time in Chicago when he was beaten up because of his race, took the people to court, and they were never punished.