Radical black BLM supporters in attendance at A George Floyd's memorial in Minneapolis were asked about their thoughts on police, civil war and how they felt whites should be treated.
What follows is a collection of shockingly honest words from people who are actively looking to tear the country apart for no reason other than racism against white people, which despite what CNN would have you believe isn't really that big of an issue anymore as many races work happily together every day around the nation.
“Burn the whole city down, what does it matter?” one of the women asked. “I say burn the city down, y’know? So they can see that we’re here,” another woman asserted.
One person said that Derek Chauvin should not have received a trial at all.
The extremists were all in agreement that if he was not convicted they would support “street justice” for him, meaning murder.
One of the women said that she believed that “thousands” of unarmed black men were killed last year in the United States — the number is actually 18.
Most seemed to agree with the mainstream media narrative that there is a “genocide” happening to African Americans — and “anyone who isn’t white.”
When asked about a second Civil War, one young woman said “if that’s what it takes, then we have to do it.”
“I don’t want to say we need to start killing all white folks, but it’s like…” one of the militant extremists said.
“But…?” Avi Horowitz asked.
“Maybe they need to feel the pain and the hurt,” she continued.