CNN's Jim Acosta was so upset at a story about Kamala Harris that turned out not to be true, he ended up swearing twice within seconds of each other.
“That tale from the border didn’t just border on B.S., this was USDA, grade-A bullshit,” said Acosta in reference to the New York Post retracted story that falsely claimed a children’s book written by Vice President Kamala Harris was being handed out to migrant children.
The story was taken down and the reporter resigned, “But the damage was done,” said Acosta, “pumped out over the airwaves at the bullshit factory also known as Fox News.”
It's interesting to note that out of the dozens of stories that were total bullshit and put out there anyways by CNN during Trump's tenure, {HELLO RUSSIA?}, old Jimmy never seemed to have a catty response to those.