Washington University student Fadel Alkilani was caught on video carrying multiple trash bags stuffed with 2,997 American flags he had ripped from the ground. Further research revealed that Alkilani is also the chairman of the student senate finance committee, which is charged with doling out funds to student organizations.
YAF reached out to the Alkilani who replied, “I did not violate any university or legal policy. Now go away.” In response to one Twitter user, he said he stole the flags as an act of “protest against American imperialism and the 900,000 lives lost as a result of post 9/11 war.”
Alkilani also tried to destroy the display Friday night. He was told to stop after campus police were called. After being caught this morning, campus police were notified once more. This time they warned Alkilani he would be arrested if he disrupted the display for a third time.
The stolen flags were eventually replanted for the viewing and remembrance of everyone on campus.
YAF also reported on a 9/11 display that was vandalized Friday night at Michigan State University.