A leftist teacher in the Northshore School District of Seattle was caught on cam by a student during a vulgar and one-sided rant about the Kyle Rittenhouse trial.
“You can argue back and forth about what happened. … Did he feel like he was really in danger, and what the hell was he doing there in the first place? Where were his parents? That’s what I want to know,” the teacher says on the video. “So, that’s arguable. That’s what the trial is about. Was he acting in self-defense when he shot those people? That’s for the jury to figure out. That’s not for me to figure out.”
“For me, what’s the most appalling thing about this is he ran toward the police with his hands up, with his weapon right here, and the police did this — they waived him through. Seriously!” the teacher said, starting to raise his voice. “If he was Black, would he have been waived through? No god-d— way.”
“That’s what this is about. It wasn’t about, … it’s about people seeing people differently,” he asserted, implying the cops were racist.
“That’s an example of racism being used as a weapon — not weaponizing racism. OK? Racism exists. White guys like me don’t see it because it’s not part of my experience,” he explained.
Teachers across the USA are being used as pawns to indocrinate young minds to hating police, laws, and their own country in order to bring about a globalist one world government, sadly, most of the teachers aren't smart enough to realize they're being used for this.