Poll after poll now shoes an overwhelming majority of American's not only hate fake Pres., Lyin' Joe Biden, but also question his mental ability to run the worlds largest military and economic power.
Listen as Joe's wife-nurse, Jill, attempts to brush off the fact that her husband can't formulate a full sentence without sounding like a total moron, even when he's reading from a teleprompter as 'ridiculous'.
You can tell by her actions during events that she knows he is far gone, including the moments where he wanders away aimlessly and has to be brought back to the podium, the many moments he openly declared to not know what he's doing or where he is, or the fact he constantly admits that going off script from his puppet masters script is 'going to get me in trouble.'
We all see it, Jill. What is truly 'ridiculous' is that you think the government and Twitter created bots that are pushing his failing policies is what most Americans actually believe. They don't!