In Stalin's Soviet Union kids were systematically ripped from their parents arms and stolen by the government so they could be indocrinated at a young age.
Here in America we see that happening with Critical Race Theory in our schools, despite the leftist media claiming it isn't taught anywhere in the USA, parents who see their kids homework have already exposed that to be yet another lie in order to keep people in the dark about their evil intentions, to indocrinate your child to support the government over their own families.
Now we have MSNBC sharing this ad admitting that is how leftists in the media see parenting, it's not your child, it's the collectives child. You'll still have to pay for everything, help them when things go wrong, and do everything a parent would normally do... BUT, and this is a big but... You cannot teach them anything that the leftists trying to steal them away dislike, I.E. there are two genders.
They're coming for your kids. This is the only way their twisted ideology can survive, brainwashing a generation into believing the crap spewed in this nonsense video.