Driving through Brazil could cost you your life if you make a wrong turn. Brazil is currently one of the top places in the world for tourists to avoid due to rampid kidnapping.
Here is a video of a homeless man holding someone at gunpoint in order for some change. Just a regular day in Brazil!
Its already dead and studied who so cares
who cares when someone will jump rope with your intestines, you dead!
Go ahead I won't need them anymore by then anyways
this is normal behavior for the north American pavement ape........
hahhahahaha pavement ape... thats a new one for me...hilarious
The cat was already dead. Is this in poor taste? Sure. But there's no cruelty involved. Unless you think cats feel pain after death maybe, which honestly, I would not put past PETA, because they have some really fucking stupid beliefs.
Ted Bundy started the same way; pretty funny your government support these sickos:)
No he didn't it was Jeffrey Dahmer and for the record they executed Ted Bundy. Your government (If indeed you are German) is supporting sickos claiming to be refugees but are nothing more than inbred child molesters and petty criminals ruining the lives of those paying taxes to support their invasion. So, your point is?
Wow, what an amazing stupidity:) You connect Ted Bundy/Jeff Dahmer with the german government and the refugee mess...whats wrong in your brain? :)
German Power, All I did was highlight the stupidity of your argument you brought Ted Bundy and the U.S. into the discussion not me. I also merely highlighted the fact that if you are German, how can you judge as there is NO moral high-ground when your citizens and government are allowing an invasion of your country with heads bowed in left-wing arrogance and are sacrificing the well being of your women and children.
To me there is no greater crime and you are appalled at American kids swingin' a dead cats gut?
Seriously I have to ask you, whats wrong in your brain?
I see the problem here, you didnt realize I was just joking...maybe it was too difficult for you to comprehend, maybe it was a bad joke;) Before its heating up here I explain it to you: Its often said that serial killers kill animals in their youth and I just named the first one (Ted Bundy) who showed up in my mind. And I already saw public schools (financed by the government) in which pupils have to dismember animals...did you get it now?
But its remarkable that you know that exactly the biographies of your serial killers:)