Joe Rogan is currently being attacked relentlessly by an outdated, government controlled media because he dares ask questions people want answered, as well as having differing views on.
CNN's Allison Camerato admitted that they've 'run out of ideas' in order to silence Rogan, who is absolutely crushing CNN in daily views.
Now Rogan is realizing these people will never stop trying to silencing him until he does exactly what they want, to shut up and stop having people they declare enemies on his show.
CNN doesn't want to compete against Rogan, they have tried and lost bigly. Now they and their fellow tyrants are attempting to shut him down, just like they do some Fox News hosts, using lies and videos taken completely out of context in order to do it.
These people believe the only messaging the public should see, is from them! This is exactly why they tricked Facebook into removing thousands of news sites that were actually reporting the news.