CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. - Authorities in Tennessee are looking for a group of women who robbed a 78-year-old woman while she prayed in church.
Clarksville police said the robbery happened Feb. 9 inside the sanctuary at Hilldale Baptist Church.
Officers said the elderly woman was praying when two women approached her, asking for prayers as well. While they were praying, a second woman went into the victim’s purse and stole credit cards. Investigators said the robbers then tried to use the credit cards at Sam’s Club and Kroger shortly after.
Surveillance video captured the incident.
"Our church member reaches into her purse and picks up her wallet and just thinks that feels funny, feels different, which is remarkable and so but she opens it up; her cash is gone or credit cards are gone and she realizes then she's been robbed," senior pastor Larry Robertson told NewsChannel 5 in Nashville.
"It is so disappointing and shocking when it happens in a church building to a senior adult widow, lady who just came to church early to pray that's hard to swallow," he continued.
Police also told the news outlet there was a group of four women in total inside the church with the victim. Three of them were seen on security cameras at a Sam's Club where the victim's credit card was used shortly after the theft.