New York police have arrested a suspected hammer attacker, accused of smashing an Asian man in the head on Tuesday night after a minor row.
Christian Jeffers, 48, who identifies as a woman, was caught on camera in a wig and purple lipstick attacking the 29-year-old at around 9pm at 14th Street station in Manhattan.
On Wednesday, Jeffers was spotted by a transit officer shortly after 2pm, having jumped the turnstile. Jeffers, wearing the same top and jacket but without the wig, and without the blue jeans and red shoes, was taken into custody. A hammer was found in her bag.
She has been charged with second-degree assault and faces possible hate crimes charges.
The victim, who does not want to be named, said he is fed up with rising crime in the Big Apple - and that he wants his hammer-wielding attacker 'locked up.'