Are we pro-Putin invading Ukraine? No.
Are we pro-Putin stopping the NWO? Hell yes.
Do we think there is a plethora of actual Nazi's in Ukraine that even Newsweek ran a story about just a few years ago? Yep! Why do you think the Democrat and establishment Republicans are fighting so hard to get Putin to stop? Because Ukraine is where they're all hiding their money! Especially people like George Soros, who one could say is at the top of the food chain for the NWO.
Now, do we agree with innocent civilians being killed? No. NATO has broken every condition they set themselves in order to push closer to Russia, now Russia is pushing back and possibly attacking the NWO where they hide their money. It's possible Putin was once a Klaus Schwab puppet, but it looks like that relationship has reached its breaking point. Same goes for China's Dictator Xi, formerly a Klaus Schwab puppet, now Xi is actively trying to play both sides, Russia and NATO to into fighting so he can easily takeover with his extremely weak and undertrained military.