VIA Just The News:
Journalists with the Real America’s Voice TV network were detained by border patrol agents at the southern U.S. border on Friday, with a reporter describing being “detained at gunpoint” amid the open crossing of illegal immigrants into the United States.
Ben Bergquam, a reporter with Real America’s Voice—with whom Just the News is partnered—posted a video depicting him in the back of a border patrol vehicle, showing what appeared to be a border patrol agent directing Bergquam’s colleagues with his gun drawn.
In an exclusive statement to Just the News, Bergquam said that he has “been to this section of the border many times, both with law enforcement escorts and without, and have never had an encounter like this.”
“While we have complete respect for law enforcement, we were stunned to be detained at gunpoint while illegal immigrants looked on right after crossing our southern border,” he continued. “This incident reveals the backwards priorities of our leaders in Washington, unfortunately, as the border crisis worsens by the day.”