This mother is doing something wrong at home. She is going to have a lot of problems with her very young son, who is already vandalizing stores and throwing F-bombs at people.
The mother is forced to leave by the manager after her son tossed merchandise all over the place and telling him to 'shut the f*ck up' several times.
The manager is obviously flexing his white privilege. BLM need to protest that joint.
(What? BLM has disappeared with all that cash they got?)
That kid needs the green needle.
i second this
I quarter IT
What a dumb ass bitch mother!
MONKEY SEE, MONKEY DO. Every time. From the ghetto to the trailer park and everywhere in between. This is why I date religious Asian girls.
Hey, I resemble that remark! ;-)
Kids should be disciplined, bad behavior gets worse if left unchecked.
she's mad at the manager and not her son...
And that's part of the problem. If Momma doesn't have good manners, what makes you think the child will?
That kid is desperate need of some Tiger Mom "Flyswatter Therapy." Period.
These are diverse people. You expect way too much.
When "shut the f... up" is considered discipline there is a problem.
Problem: no dad figure at home.
The lady actually said, "What can I do?" SERIOUSLY?!
I actually feel sorry for this kid. He never had a chance.
Her mind immediately went to having to hit her kid, but the man never suggested to hit your kid.
crossed my mind.
Single mother raised. Future felon.
But he's right.
Stop it, l'il Barack!
Was that Michael with his "Little Barack" on a leash?
What is most disappointing is that the woman had no shame. Any self-respecting mother (AKA non-dusky) would have apologized profusely, paid for any damage, and promised not to bring the little monster back.
These are concepts and actions of any civilized citizen, but well beyond the scope of the dusky citizen.
falcon slap that little bastard,,,black pos mom.arguing about whatever it is you tell em not to do.worthless race of fuckholes
Black queens my ass, these hoes are the worst parents
Did you notice the mother? smirk when the kid told the manager to STFU?
Did she have it on a leash?
Micro-Chimp.... hahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
This is exactly what needs to be done. Refuse service to those who cannot act accordingly. Also, stop purchasing products from companies that are "woke" or push "social justice" agendas. The power of the consumer is incredible when it applied.
So that’s parenting, hit you kid and not hit your kid. Depressing
It's not even the kid, its the 0.000 Parenting skills from that tall glass of water.
concrete hood rats future democrap socialist
This one is an example of “unruled child” bad parenting and very soon a dusty unruly citizen causing mayhem.
This small child, soon enough will be the all to familiar feral teen groid savage, we've seen all too often attacking Whites....the elderly, women. Just like the ones yesterday who pulled the old woman out of her car and beat her senseless.
That was just criminal and horrible. Just disgusting they have that mind set and disrespect like this. Just throwing their own lives like it’s nothing. They need to be tried as adults for this.
STFU-------------- Love it
Santa : Now my sweet little child, I believe your name is Topsie isn't it ?
Girl : Shut the phuck up honkey
Has anyone noticed, that NI66A's have quit naming their male spawn, barrak?
Be careful. You are upsetting Jigkanos feelings. He is a delicate little flower. Owww beep beep, bang bang, umgawa, click click yowzah!
🤣😂 Fck that jig
Good lord... if I had done anything close to that as a kid, my Dad would've taken me in an isle, people or not, and spanked the hell out of me.
DITTO! You don't know the meaning of fear until a 4-foot-9, 98 lbs soaking wet Chinese mom is whaling the tar out of you and cussing you out in Cantonese.
Little chimp will be throwing her poo next.
He will be in JAIL
Stores should insist....if you're gonna bring a chimp in here. IT MUST BE ON A LEASH & BE MUZZLED !
groidettes... and they wonder why they never succeed in society.
My dad would have slapped me into next month if I acted like that as a kid... must be a white thing 🤣
Not quite, buddy! ;-)
And don't EVER come back. Damn even the kids are useless.
Biggest mistake ever made. Y'all should have picked the damn stuff yourselves...
Filthy low-IQ negroes again. Shoot them all or send them to Africa. Problem solved.
Kick the fuck out of the little bastard.
You sure that's not a dude in drag?
s easy to understand why some people would think;-
Kill them!`The little midget says "Shut the F Up". Now where do you think he heard that phrase from. Your CORRECT the mama . These type of people SHOULD be forbidden to have children!
This is how psychopath predators are created by the millions.
Can we say it again.? I.Q. Someone had it right long ago when they tried to sterilize women like this to keep it from bring new forms if 'it' into the world. But liberals......................can't have that. Even when it IS in EVERYONES best interest. This kid is going to have NO KIND of LIFE (if he even has one now.....he's probably tied by his leash to a heavy piece of furniture at home........or worse)..... if he even makes it to 18.
I've said it time after time. Children are nothing more than baby monsters that grow up into adult monsters.
Provided he can graduate from kindergarten...
Typical behavior in the black community.
Kid is no better or worse than whatever is on exhibit at your local Wal Mart everything day.
I didn't even have to click the video to guess that it was a Section 8 hood rat acting like a little thug. SMH...
Let me look into the future ....... i see Juvenile detention until 18 and Prison terms after
Before I read these stories or see the videos, I quickly guess about the physical attributes of those causing the problems. Rarely am I wrong, and I am certainly not wrong again.
Kid needs a dad. Mom needs Jesus.
The law is tricky business. The fact is the mother and this child should have been slapped to the curb. "I can't hit my child?" Bitch, you are the one who should be hit.
He should apologize to the mom as that is just a small child who needs a time out when they get home.
The apple does not fall far from the tree.
"if I hit my kid, what's gonna happin?" - NO ONE suggested you HIT your kid - FFS!! You can raise beautiful respectable kids with out EVER PHYSICAL disciplining them! THIS is just one of MANY EXAMPLES why ghetto rats will ALWAYS be ghetto rats! That little black demon is in for a world of hurt someday, which will guarantee he will NEVER understand what it means to be a positive contributing member of any civilized community!
A lot of parents sadly are like this, regardless of race. Just stupid and don't know how to raise a kid. They are what you call a bad parent. If you don't teach your kids at this age this kid is. The different between yes and no, good or bad, right or wrong and not punish them for messing up. They will grown up into a very immature, spoiled crybaby jackass who will break the law or hurt other people just for the hell of it and throw their little fits over nothing. Until they run into the law and are arrested or run into someone who won't put up with their BS who will knock their ass out. Then some will learn and grown up but a lot never do. Those are the ones you read about going to jail for life or dying young for doing something really stupid. All because of idiots parents who think its wrong to discipline a kid. Wracking their hand or back end to make a point. Like don't put your hand on the hot stove or scream at another person and I don't mean beat them as you would in a fight with another adult if you get attack. That a way different use of force you don't use on a kid period.
Downvoted for the bullshit psy-op tag of
I suppose you think Putin is based too...lmao. Chump.
She genuinely doesn't understand what's wrong.
Average blk parenting...
They can't be domesticated, they completely destroy everything wherever they are!