From Fox 13:
PASCO COUNTY, Fla. - Officials with the Pasco County Sheriff's Office are warning of a new synthetic drug known as "ISO," short for etonitazene.
"It has proven to be 20 times more potent than fentanyl," said Britney Morris, a public information officer with PCSO.
For context, the opioid, fentanyl, is already said to be 80 to 100 times more potent than morphine. PCSO officials said in the Fall, a pair of overdose deaths turned out to be because of ISO.
"In the field, the drugs show up as fentanyl … however, the drugs are sent to the FDLE to be tested as well and that's when it was tested as ISO which is more potent than fentanyl," Morris said.
It can be absorbed through the skin, ingested or inhaled. Even more troubling, Narcan may be less effective at saving someone experiencing an ISO overdose.
"That could be the one time and the only time, and it might be too much for them," she said.
"If you’re questioning when its safe or responsible thing to do, most times its ‘no,’" said Rick Birt, president, and CEO of SADD, Students Against Destructive Decisions. "Our message to young people is don’t be duped, don’t fall for an industry that is trying to hurt you," Birt said.