Intelligence shared by the U.S. helped Ukraine sink the Russian cruiser Moskva, U.S. officials told NBC News, confirming an American role in perhaps the most embarrassing blow to Vladimir Putin’s troubled invasion of Ukraine.
A guided missile cruiser carrying a crew of 510, the Moskva was the flagship of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet. It sank on April 14 after being struck by two Ukrainian Neptune anti-ship missiles, U.S. officials said. Moscow said the vessel sank after a fire. The Moskva was the largest Russian warship sunk in combat since World War II. American officials said there were significant Russian casualties, but they don’t know how many.
The attack happened after Ukrainian forces asked the Americans about a ship sailing in the Black Sea south of Odesa, U.S. officials told NBC News. The U.S. identified it as the Moskva, officials said, and helped confirm its location, after which the Ukrainians targeted the ship.
The U.S. did not know in advance that Ukraine was going to target the Moskva, officials said, and was not involved in the decision to strike. Maritime intelligence is shared with Ukraine to help it defend against attack from Russian ships, officials added.
The U.S. role in the sinking has not been previously reported. But NBC News detailed last month how American intelligence shared with Ukraine had been instrumental in Ukraine’s successes to date, including in helping Ukraine target Russian forces and avoid Russian attacks.
People just don't get it we're living in the end times.
Russia threating nuclear war
Blacks going crazy
That Abortion stuff
but i digress
I don't disagree man tho you know I been hearing that on and off since I was a kid.Kennedy assassinated, Vietnam and on. He could come tonight and I would welcome it. I'd be shaking and crying tho.If he sends me to hell I wonder if he'll just save the energy and send me to Chicago or L.A.?
so ur saying the US Govt cant keep its mouth shut if it really did have a role?????
If US Intel helped to sink that ship, it certainly should not be talked about on the fuckking news!
You would think so... OR do the powers that be want it revealed???
Unless they are trying to drag us into yet another conflict to distract us from the sh*t they are really doing. Will they just get on with the alien invasion already!
This... The msm loves war... why wouldn't they want innocent people to die unneccessarily in some stupid war nobody wants, yet I bet they put a poll out saying 85% of americans approve... ministry of truth says so.
This ship was sunk not quite a month ago.Moku missed it then I guess but it's played out like the Ghost of Kyev(kiev).
It's 50 years old,not even sure it was at fighting weight.
More recycled propaganda.
And how is that NOT an act of war? Its not like Ukraine used missiles we sold them decades ago. We provided material information for the sinking of a Russian ship during open hostilities in the present day.
If Russia does NOT start lobbing rockets into the US I will be surprised.
So now the Germans once again attack the poor Lusitania, who knew what and history is written by the Victors.
Come on Navy you are smarter than this they want to escalate.
If he's anything like most military lifers then what he doesn't psychologically block out from overload he has ignored the other info and ops outta self preservation.
Just my opinion of how I dealt with it.heeee
True, but I believe he is retired and unless mortally damaged, we might need him. Still always good to throw out the jig saw puzzle pieces and see who can put together something useful. Spoon feeding imbeciles is not my thing anymore It left me with too many arrows in my spine and holes in my head.
Stay Well All
And you too man.
get a room f4ggots
boring video.
producers: we'll show some footage of some ships.. and everyone will watch..
it's not the first time. The USA helped Britain sink the Belgrano during the Falklands War. ..... -----
but why brag about it ??
I get the feeling that the people backing this,Globalists really don't care if nukes fly or really I think they're instigating for it to happen.Those thermobaric devices Russia especially is tossing at Ukran is no joke either.
So,would it be tactical battlefield nukes or the big boys that melt your eyes in your socketsfrom 20-30 miles and your body vaporizes before your brain shuts down and you hang in limbo as you remember you forgot to pick up milk...oh well.
I guess this is maybe similar to what preceded the Bay of Pigs.huh
Boy Howdy,, me too.
Can't head shoot Biden.We gotta make sure he dies not walks away.
Instead of blood there'd be a puff of dust.
Now why would "U.S." "officials" admit to something like this?
And why are these far left media libtards reporting this with such glee? Do these traitorous media libtards believe they are immune to the effects of a nuclear blast?
It's not a secret or a shock to Russia that the U.S. government is helping Ukraine with weapons and intel.
Same as it wasn't a shock to us when Russia and China helped Vietnam and North Korea with weapons and intel. Russia protests against U.S. help to Ukraine the same way the U.S. protested the help Russia and China gave to Vietnam and North Korea. All bark, no bite. Russia is just getting a little payback is all. China will be next. Then all of humanity will die when the inevitable nuclear war wipes us all out.
Obama's war. WW3
Putin is the leader of the invading country not obongo
The war started in 2014 you utter halfwit.
and Putin is still invading now, you made no point here you bootlicking retard.
Thanks woke NBC. Now we can blame you for provoking all out WWIII.
......NBC is owned by Comcast. Current leadership at both.
Brian L. Roberts (born June 28, 1959) is an American billionaire businessman, and the chairman and CEO of Comcast,
Roberts was born into a J e w i s h family in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the son of Ralph J. Roberts, the founder of Comcast Corporation, and Suzanne (née Fleisher), a former actress and playwright.[2]
Jeff Shell is an American media executive who currently serves as the CEO for NBCUniversal, a subsidiary of Comcast.
Pa. J e w s for Obama
Jeff Shell
Philadelphia, PA
NBC is owned by Comcast. Current leadership at both.
Brian L. Roberts (born June 28, 1959) is an American billionaire businessman, and the chairman and CEO of Comcast,
Roberts was born into a Jewish family in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the son of Ralph J. Roberts, the founder of Comcast Corporation, and Suzanne (née Fleisher), a former actress and playwright.[2]
Jeff Shell is an American media executive who currently serves as the CEO for NBCUniversal, a subsidiary of Comcast.
Pa. J e w s for Obama
Jeff Shell
Philadelphia, PA
Yet Putin refuses to strike us back. I smell 100% bullshit. The entire Ukraine drama. Bullshit. I think that ship was being retired. I believe we're transferring weapons to Russia through Ukraine for a major world assault on China. Think about it! China's Russia's number one ally. Yet they refuse to get involved with Ukraine, KNOWING we're helping and supplying them with weapons. Yet China doesn't get involved. Perhaps, they know something's off. Or perhaps, Putin hasn't invited China to help BECAUSE of the truth.
Or maybe the entire invasion scene is bullshit. And the world's being trolled by the filthy rich working together.
Lots of moving parts on this one. 3 dimensional chess and then some. China is the marxist NWO globalist's Golden Child though. Globalism can't work without slave labor nations like China. Who was Fauci & the NiH & America's Universities Bio Research labs working with ? China
Who is covering for China regarding that ? The whole American gov't.
Russia & Putin have been demonized for years by the NWO marxist media....you only demonize
folks and countries when you plan to go to war with them.
If Canada was providing information to ISIS to help them fight the US...what would we have done?
The idiot in chief is gonna get us all killed.
That's the idea. he did call us all domestic terrorists and the biggest internal threat, did he not.
How many wars did Trump get us involved in? None.
And why is Josef Bin Biden so interested in the sovereignty of Ukraine border when he cares not at all about ours?
Good lord.
That everybody doesn't see the hypocrisy in Biden and Left protecting Ukrans borders and sovereignty but not our own southern Mexican border ...ludicrous.
It's almost like the great reset is unravelling in front of our very eyes.
Courtesy of the Kazarian Mafia.
Ralph Kazarian
My favorite of the Brothers Kazarian.
Hunter Biden's laptop accurately represents the moral fiber of the United States - I hope you are all proud!
Stupid Joe Biden is going to start a nuclear war .
I hope Russia takes Joey out , and soon .
The thought of having President Cameltoe makes me cringe.
And her zio spouse, who will be like Jared 2.0
Ain't that The Truth.
Nbc is part of Comcast.....both ceo's have hooked noses. go fgure.
I kinda think Putin knew that as well. We're providing all the military intel with our AWAC type planes and Intel Satellites. Not to smart....if they want to avoid a Nuclear war with Russia. But our marxist NWO puppets do not want to avoid a Nuclear war with Russia....that is as plain to see as the kosher noses on the NWO controllers faces.
Not true dude. China & India are over 3 billion of the world's population. They are not against Russia.
And neither are a whole host of other nations.
These people are recklessly stupid on stupidity steroids.
These people are wicked to the core.
This Ukraine crap is IMO the worst behavior the USA has ever engaged in.
How about the repeated attempts by the F B i and other alphabet agencies to overthrow a duly elected President....one DJT. And if he wins again in 2024....that will all start up again.
I meant the worst behavior as far as foreign policy goes
How about engaging in WW1 & WW2.
WW1 was stupid but WW2 was definitely a good thing.
This is still stupider than WW1 anyway.
Remember those that tell us who is evil and who is not.....who is bad and who is not, which nation is good and which nation is bad......are the same lying scum then as today.
I can see for myself and it's obvious WW2 was a good and necessary thing to do.
nah its pretty obvious when Russians or Germans invade countries, kill women and children and forcibly deport people to camps, that they're evil. Only demonic cucks with nothing to offer the world but sour grapes like you would think otherwise. Again, kill yourself you lifetime of failure.
Well for several reasons. Not the least of which....Merica was instrumental in putting the current vastly corrupt Uke gov't in place. And all of this including adding all these former Warsaw Pact countries to NATO including the likes of Latvia, Lithuania & Estonia to trigger a much larger war.....was all gamed out long ago.
We have no political rep. if we did Trump would have won.
All we have is pimps, whores and Johns. unfortunately, we do not get to go around the world they do, and we pay the full boat.
Why should he do it alone, join him if you have the balls. Like a good old buddy of mine once said, Heroes get eaten and pioneers are the fools with the arrows in their backs.
Lone wolves are only good with logistical and fire support in the long run.
The US has had too many sacrificial lambs already, either we all wake up and vacate the couch and keyboard or we all will end up with hemorrhoids and a sore ass, for starters. For those with a brighter outlook:
Bad News comes in threes
‘Three strikes of a match’ is a well-researched superstition of threes, originating from war time. While the background to the superstition is agreed, there’s still debate over which particular war started the superstition. The bad luck of ‘three strikes of a match’ comes from trench warfare. If a match is alight long enough for three men to light their cigarettes, this is sufficient time to be spotted by the enemy, pinpoint their position and launch an attack. On the battlefield, forbidding ‘three strikes of a match’ sounds like sound advice, rather than a superstition.
There’s not only bad luck in threes but ‘deaths come in threes’. Three candles burning in a room is bad luck and three knocks in the room of a dying person is a harbinger of death. Breakages and tipped over glasses of water come in threes. Three butterflies on a leaf is considered bad luck as is hearing an owl call three times. Then there is the disheartening saying for any woman with many sisters or close female friends: three times a bridesmaid, never a bride.
Let's see....Piglosi was just over there....flying some 5000 miles to meet with Z-boy and then come back and scream that America needs to do more, engage Russia troops, no-fly zone, etc. And Kamala was over there
before that. So the 2nd & 3rd person in pecking order in the fake gov't , screaming for More War !
These news people, and politicians wanna speak for every american. I just want our Bill of Rights in tact, and to drink beer and eat barbecue. I don't want no fhuckin war. Foreign or Domestic. 🙏😁
This war may just ruin the US Dollar's world dominance and cause economic woes for the entire West.
The USA has already lost worldwide credibility by basically stealing Russian assets without any legal cause.
I'm not on Putin's side. I'm on the righteous side that resists the wicked MSM/Demonrat party.
only a complete fool still believes ANYTHING they say.
I hope Russia retaliate against the globalist scum.
russkis are dying by the thousands trying to invade and genocide their neighbors lol, they'd be dog food in a matter of seconds if they attacked us.
the US is the Little-boys-can-have-vaginas crowd, and yet Russia is somehow worse, being the dystopian ex-communist shithole with millions of muslims and a jihadist state within their own borders. You retards see a couple problems with the west and become asiatic commie loving traitors over night. Kill yourself
The biggest commies are the ones in China & Hollywood....and we don't love them. Capice kid.
On the contrary you seem to gobble up every bit of Kremlin and CCP funded propaganda you dumb fat f4ggot, and you side with an authoritarian shithole that would finally put you to use in a labor camp if you said 1% of the anti American shit you spew on here about Russia. KYS
No motherfucker, the entire political establishment and deep state is full of them! ALL of the alphabet agencies and MSM need to be put in mass graves!
Laz, I consider all who follow, help and assist him just like the quislings,
Traitors one and All
Death or Exile, with death upon return
The Brain dead Nanobotted Schmuck is not the true evil one to fear, it's the Demons behind the throne as usual.
Said for ten-to-twenty years; Kissinger wants World War 3 before the JFK butcher gets dragged down to the Abyss.
You retards still watching fake news and think it's real!
US government says they took no part, that's the official statement. They may have but fake news nbc just made this sheit up!
I hope Putin drops one in the Oval office while Joe is napping
US intelligence have already denied this and its just the media news who invented this.A lie in another word to escalate a already bad situation.
China & India are relevant. Latvia & Lithuania are not. The countries that are with Ukraine are just all the globalist nwo marxist kabal controlled countries. So with that in mind, it's much easier to tell by that scorecard roster.
What you really mean is people can be filth, those in government go there to get covered in filth, power and riches. Like a leprechaun they go for the gold, and we get the rainbow shoved up our ass
You stay safe, healthy and well fed, I might need you and the rest. If not me then another will.
And I imagine you are descended from 0 veterans of WWII where your dumb fuck point here falls flat on its face. Cucks like you would let the world burn if you ever had power, good thing you don't. Im gonna keep enjoying the thousands of russians piling up dead tho.
It won't be long before a US ship is sunk.