31 years ago, on the floor of the Senate, then-senator Joe Biden actually seemed to argue for police beatings of suspects in the light of the Rodney King Beating.
Biden seemed to not remember King's name even though it was headline news for days, perhaps forgetting it on purpose to belittle him.
Biden's argument was for allowing police to get physical with a suspect if it means they can get a confession out of them, which of course is not legal and that evidence would not be allowed in a court of law.
Biden, a man with no tact or class, finishes his case by declaring 'hang em', referring to a man who confesses during a beating.
In September 1994, as President Bill Clinton signed the new Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act in an elaborately choreographed ceremony on the south lawn of the White House, Joseph R. Biden Jr. sat directly behind the president’s lectern, flashing his trademark grin.
Joe Biden in a 1993 speech warned of "predators on our streets" who were "beyond the pale" and said they must be cordoned off from the rest of society because the justice system did not know how to rehabilitate them.